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Your presence at our wedding is the greatest gift of all. If you'd like to bless us with a gift, we would greatly appreciate a donation to our honeymoon wishing well. We have provided a link below or you can Venmo Lily Hung (@Hsiao-Tung-Hung) or write a check to Scott Furumoto (memo: Lily & Scott's wedding). We'd both like to thank you for helping to make our wedding and honeymoon the best time of our lives.

Lily & Scott's Adventure in Italy

After spending a week after our wedding with family, we will embark what we hope to be one of the best trip of our lives. We will be flying out to Italy for a two week stay in the end of September. It's absolutely dream come true. Our travels begin by spending few days in Rome, visiting the famous Trevi fountain, Pantheon, Colosseum, and Roman Forum. We will also take a cooking class and learn how to make pasta.

After that, we will take the train to Florence, spending few days exploring the Renaissance city. Aside from visiting the statue of David in Galleria dell'Accademia and seeing the Birth of Venus painting in Uffizi Gallery, we are also looking forward to watching the beautiful sunset at Piazzale Michelangelo.

The last part of the trip will be visiting Tuscan countryside and tasting Chianti and Pecorino. We also can't wait to visit the spectacular medieval towns and admire the cobble stones and rough brick facade that have been there for hundreds of years. 

We will be flying back home following what we hope to be the best time of our lives. We look forward to sharing all our stories with all of you who will have so kindly made it possible. 

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